The Year of Mourning: A Jewish Journey
Rabbi Lisa D. Grant, PhD, and Cantor Lisa B. Segal in Conversation with Rabbi Matt Green
Thursday, June 15 7:30-9:00 PM
CBE Chapel, 274 Garfield Place
CBE is excited to announce that our member Rabbi Lisa D. Grant, PhD, has just released a new book co-authored by our friend and neighbor Cantor Lisa B. Segal of Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives, The Year of Mourning: A Jewish Journey. Join us for a book talk with them in conversation with Rabbi Matt Green.
The Jewish mourning process is a voyage through pain, brokenness, comfort, resilience, acceptance, and even gratitude. The Year of Mourning: A Jewish Journey offers an expansive array of resources—stories, songs, study texts, poetry, and prayers—to lovingly and patiently guide the bereaved through the first year after their loss. Each week the mourner is encouraged to focus on a particular theme to deepen their Kaddish practice. The book also includes new rituals for shivah, sh'loshim, unveiling, and yahrzeit. The Year of Mourning helps support individuals to regain their grounding after loss and, through the richness of Jewish tradition, deepen their connections to memories of loved ones and to others in the community who are walking a similar path.
Rabbi Lisa D. Grant, PhD, is Director of the New York Rabbinical School program, Eleanor Sinsheimer Distinguished Service Professor in Jewish Education, and Coordinator of Special Seminary projects at the Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion. In addition to authoring numerous articles, book chapters, and curriculum guides, she is coauthor with Ezra Kopelowitz of Israel Education Matters: A 21st Century Paradigm for Jewish Education. She is coeditor of International Handbook of Jewish Education with Helena Miller and Alex Pomson, and with Diane T. Schuster, Meredith Woocher, and Steven M. Cohen, author of A Journey of Heart and Mind: Transformative Jewish Learning in Adulthood. Rabbi Grant has been on the faculty of HUC-JIR since 2000. She received her BA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, an MBA from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, a PhD from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, and rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion. She is happily married to Billy Weitzer and the proud mother of two adult children.
Cantor Lisa B. Segal serves as cantor and is a founding member of congregation Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Ordained in 2011 by the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York, she served as their Director of Cantorial Studies from 2012 to 2014. With her unique voice and spirit, Cantor Segal composes music, creates and leads ritual, and performs in concert, online, and on bimahs beyond her synagogue. Cantor Segal is a member of the American Conference of Cantors and the Women Cantors Network. She and her husband, writer and maggid Arthur “Ari” Strimling, live in Park Slope.