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CBE Kids 2025 Elementary Day Camp

CBE Kids Elementary Day Camp is for children entering K-5th grade. We offer a wide variety of fun and exciting activities in a safe environment supervised by highly qualified staff.

Our facilities include a spacious indoor pool, art room, computer room, and two large, multi-use air-conditioned spaces. Nearby Prospect Park is used for sports, nature, and outdoor play. Jewish values are explored through weekly themes including peace, friendship, community, nature and the environment, charity, and acts of loving kindness. Shabbat is celebrated every Friday and everyone is included.


CBE Membership Status

CBE Members receive discounted rates for camp.

Student Information

Select your child's grade as of September 2025.

Mailing Address

Registration Fee and Terms

There is a nonrefundable $75 registration fee for CBE Kids camp. On completion of this form you will be asked to set up a monthly payment plan for the balance, with the first payment due on registration. You can also pay in full. All accounts must be fully paid June 1, 2025. All prior financial obligations to CBE must be fulfilled in order to participate in the summer camp session.

A standard Department of Health Medical form, which will be issued by the camp, must be submitted after a health examination. No child will be admitted to camp unless this document is on file before June 1. This is a Department of Health regulation. 

Attendance Weeks

Number of Weeks Enrolled 

Select the Camp Options
These are CBE member rates. 
These are CBE non-member rates. 

Extended Day Options

CBE Kids offers early bird (8am-8:30am) and late bird (4pm - 6pm). The Early Bird option is $50/week, and the Late Bird option is $150/week. 

Your Total Cost

The total cost for this child will be automatically updated below.


Parent / Guardian Information


Parent / Guardian 1


Parent / Guardian 2

Authorized Pickup People

Please let us know the name of anyone (other than parents) who is authorized to pick up your child from camp. Parents listed on this form will also be placed on the authorized pick up list.

Health Information

Emergency Contact Information

In an emergency, CBE Kids will always contact the parents first. If they cannot be reached, who would you like us to contact?

Emergency Treatment Release

Sibling Information

Sibling Discounts:
Families are entitled to a 5% discount on each child registered AFTER the first. As you have confirmed you have already registered a child, you may use the code below for your discount. We recommend you copy and paste it. 
Your discount code: SIBLING2450
Please note that all uses of sibling discount codes will be thoroughly reviewed by our staff.  If we cannot confirm that a child has already been registered, we will be in touch, and will bill you for the %. 

Learning Support

Acceptance of Terms

Photo Release

How did you hear about our program?

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785