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Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785
Learn how to give through a Donor Advised Fund or make a contribution of stock:
Give through a Donor Advised Fund Make a contribution of stock
For alternative methods of giving, please click here for more information.
If you prefer to make your donation via check, please make it payable to Congregation Beth Elohim.
Congregation Beth Elohim's Tax ID: 11-1672755
Questions? Karen Gerwin Director of Advancement e: p: (718) 768-3814 x276
You can now log in to MyCBE to register for programs and events. Your address and other information will be prepopulated in all forms!
If you have not logged in before, click here to get a password link sent to you.
If you have a password, click here to log in.
CBE aims to provide universal access to all events and programs. Please direct accommodation requests to Maribeth Batcha at Requests made in advance of an event or program will be honored to the maximum extent possible. Contact:
Maribeth Batcha (718) 768-3814 x214