Through CBE Kids Club, Congregation Beth Elohim is excited to offer after-school childcare options for children in kindergarten through 5th grade, with flexible enrollment options. Our experienced staff has designed a nurturing after-school program, which includes pickup from 10 local elementary schools in Park Slope.
All programs operate on a trimester basis, fall, winter, spring. The third trimester runs from Monday, March 17th, 2025 to Friday, June 20th, 2025.
CBE Membership Status
* Are you a member of CBE?Please Select One Yes No CBE Members receive discounted rates for After School.
Student Information
* State--Select State-- Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
* Child's GradePlease Select One K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Select your child's grade as of December 2024.
* SchoolPlease Select One PS 321 PS 10 PS 107 PS 282 PS 9 Berkeley Carroll Poly Prep PS 118 PS 39 PS 133 Other/My Child will be dropped off (Contact
CBE Kids Club Registration
Enrollment Options
Please select the days and number of days your child will be attending CBE KIDS Club.
Attendance Days
Number of Days Enrolled
Select the number of days your child will be attending.
* Number of Days Attending (CBE Members)None One full day - $745 Two full days - $975 Three full days - $1,260 Four Full Days - $1,465 Five Full Days - $1,560
* Number of Days Attending (CBE Non-Members)Please Select One None One full Day - $860 Two Full Days - $1090 Three Full Days - $1,375 Four Full Days - $1,580 Five Full Days - $1,675
Have you attended another trimester of CBE Kids Club in the 2024-25 school year? Choose one Yes No
Registration Fee and Terms
There is a nonrefundable $100 registration fee for CBE Kids Club. This fee will incur once per year, so if you register for other Trimesters, you will not incur this charge again. On completion of this form you will be asked to set up a monthly payment plan for the balance, with the first payment due on registration. You can also pay in full. All accounts must be fully paid by Monday March 17th, 2025. All prior financial obligations to CBE must be fulfilled in order to participate in the CBE Kids Club term.
A standard Department of Health Medical form, which will be issued by CBE Kids Club, must be submitted after a health examination. No child will be admitted unless this document is on file before March 17th. This is a Department of Health regulation.
Sibling Information
Have you already enrolled another child for CBE Kids Club? Please Select One Yes No
* To receive information on sibling discounts, please confirm that you have registered, and received a confirmation email from us, for the child listed above.Please Select One I have registered the child above and have received a confirmation email for that child.
Sibling Discounts:
Families are entitled to a 5% discount on each child registered AFTER the first. As you have confirmed you have already registered a child, you may use the code below for your discount. We recommend you copy and paste it.
Your discount code: SIBLING24TTWO
Please note that all uses of sibling discount codes will be thoroughly reviewed by our staff. If we cannot confirm that a child has already been registered, we will be in touch, and will bill you for the 5%.
Your Total Cost
The total cost for this child will be automatically updated below.
Parents / Guardian Information
Pickup Information
The following person(s) are authorized to pick up my child from After School:
If you have attended a previous Trimester in 2024-2025 and would like to duplicate the contact information please write "Repeat" in the "Pick Up Contact 1 - Name" textbox.
End of the day dismissal options Please Select One Can go home on their own Can leave with Sibling that is allowed to leave on their own Will be picked up at the end of the day by an adult listed on the authorized pick up list
Emergency Information
* Does your child have allergies?Please Select One Yes No
If yes, please specify allergies and action to take
* Does your child take medication?Please Select One Yes No
Emergency Contact Information
In an emergency, CBE Kids will always contact the parents first. If they cannot be reached, who would you like us to contact?
If you have attended a previous Trimesters in 2024-2025 and would like to duplicate the contact information please write "Repeat" in the "Emergency Contact 1:Name" textbox.
Emergency Treatment Release
Learning Supports
* Does your child receive extra support for learning or behavior in school?Please Select One No Yes, My child has an IEP Yes, My child has an IEP that includes one-on-one paraprofessional support My Child does not have an IEP but received other support like a 504 plan or behavior plan.
Transportation Release
Enrichment Release
Photo Release
How did you hear about our program?