CBE’s Antiracism Initiative and Community Conversation Series
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We are so glad you are considering joining our upcoming anti-racism work. Please note there are four sessions happening on the dates below. Each session will be from 6-9 PM. Not all sessions will be three hours, however, depending on how each sessions develops, Khazbar (our consultants) wanted a three hour window set aside to allow for flexibility.
Tuesday May 25
Tuesday June 22
Tuesday August 10
Tuesday October 26
We understand that life can get in the way, but if at all possible we are asking that you make best efforts to attend all sessions. The program is a progressive experience, and each session builds on the one prior. If you know at this time that you cannot make it to all four sessions, please reach out to Gale Kaufman and let us know and we will see if there is something we can work out for you.
Zoom links will be provided closer to the date of each session.