Connecting Across the Divide
Workshop: Connecting Across the Divide
Lab/Shul and CBE invite you to join Itaf Awad (Palestinian from Haifa) and Aura Hammer (Jew from the Galilee), who have worked together for over 20 years to build and support peace, equality and connection, for an evening talk and workshop.
Itaf and Aura will share with us their journey, and how their work partnership and sisterhood has survived the difficulties over the years and especially the Israel-Gaza war. The workshop will offer a taste of The Way of Council, the way of listening and speaking from the heart, which is what created the strong roots of their connection and work together.
“October 7th tore apart reality as we knew it in Israel-Palestine. Our perception of how things are was shattered on multiple levels and has affected not only those living on this land but many people and communities around the world. We are still in shock in far too many ways, and worse, see no end in sight. We – Itaf Awad and Aura Hammer – who have worked together for over 20 years as carriers of the way of peace, equality, of connection, found ourselves on the brink of being torn away from each other, the pain we experienced was so profound. Our 20 year collaboration and sisterhood are built on the foundation of creating a safe space for each other and for others. A space for holding joy and pain, for deep honest relationships. And so we are still connected. The connection is often rocked, as our reality is an earthquake constantly happening, yet we refuse to give up. And we refuse to have you give up. Even if we lose hope, we will persist in our search.” ~ Itaf and Aura
THIS EVENT IS FREE, but donations go a long way to help these courageous hope carriers continue to do their important work. Every dollar goes directly to these incredible space holders/peacekeepers/teachers. The suggested donation is $45 but please give any amount you can. Cash will also be accepted at the event. Donate here: https://regenerationeducation.
Mon, March 10 2025
10 Adar 5785
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